Operation Clean Sweep

by ELDC on
Operation Clean Sweep - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag.com

THE very first Op Clean Sweep in East Lindsey has been carried out as part of the SCRAP Fly Tipping campaign.

The multi-agency operation near Horncastle, led by Lincolnshire Police, was intelligence led and targeted to maximise the prevention and disruption of illegal waste activity.

East Lindsey District Council's Enforcement team joined with Lincolnshire Police, the Environment Agency, HMRC and the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency to stop vehicles that were carrying waste.

A series of checks were carried out by the various agencies on the vehicles and the drivers, checking everything from road worthiness, to diesel tank dipping, to waste carrier's licences.

A total of 32 vehicles were stopped resulting in the following -

  • - 5 DVSA prohibition notices issued & advice provided
  • - 1 ticket issued by Lincolnshire Police for no MOT & a negative breath test
  • - a targeted site visit to investigate environmental permits. Advisory letters issued
  • - 2 Fixed Penalty Notices (£300 each) issued by ELDC for failure to provide a Waste Carriers Licence
  • - 9 Notices issued requiring production of Waste Carriers Licence within five working days
  • - 1 verbal warning for littering
  • - all vehicles diesel tank dipped were clear of red diesel

Portfolio Holder for Operational Services, Councillor Martin Foster, said: "This has been an excellent start to the Operation and the fact that so many agencies have joined together, shows just how seriously it is taken here in East Lindsey. If people are having their excess waste taken away they must ask to see the waste carrier's licence and get a receipt, that way they are helping to ensure their waste is being disposed of responsibly and legally".

Multi Agency Initiative

Inspector Sarah Constantine of Lincolnshire Police said: "The SCRAP campaign is a national multi agency initiative aimed at tackling fly tipping and waste offences. Partner agencies across Lincolnshire are working closely together to support this initiative.

"We recognised that by tackling those who commit this type of offence together we address the concerns of our communities, these unlicensed waste carriers are recognised as being linked to crimes such as rogue trader offences and metal thefts.

"By tackling those individuals who break the law we also support our local businesses and traders who are licensed and legitimate. These type of offences and offenders impact on every part of our community and cost individuals and businesses thousands of pounds in unnecessary costs to repair the damage done.

Lincolnshire Police are really pleased to be able to work together with our partner agencies so that we can utilise every available resource and make use of a wide range of powers and legislation.

"The Public have a key role to play in this campaign and I would ask that if you have any information that will assist this initiative that you report this to the appropriate agency."

Environment At Risk

Stuart Hoyle, Waste Crime Engagement Specialist at the Environment Agency, said: "Fly-tipping, large-scale dumping of waste and illegal waste sites blight our communities and put our precious environment at risk.

"It's our responsibility as a regulator to protect people and the environment, and that's why we're working with our partners to crack down on illegal waste, disrupting and preventing this sort of crime across all of Lincolnshire. Dumping that is larger than one tipper load, is hazardous or is linked to organised crime counts as large-scale illegal dumping - rest assured we will investigate it.

"We advise both businesses and the public to check on the EA website to make sure any company or individual removing their waste has a waste carrier's licence, and also to ensure their waste is being taken to an authorised site.

"Much of our work is intelligence-led so if you suspect illegal dumping or other waste crime, please report it to our 24-hour hotline on 0800 80 70 60." Operation Clean Sweep - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag.com

Further operations will be taking place throughout East Lindsey over the next few weeks targeting the waste carriers running alongside the SCRAP Fly Tipping campaign that aims to increase people's awareness of where their waste is going and encourage more responsible disposal by checking waste carriers have a licence.