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Advertising with LincsMag

The Internet is available 24/7 and whether you want to increase sales or improve the visibility of your brand, LincsMag’s comprehensive online advertising solutions can help your organisation or business. Contact our Advertising Department at

LincsMag rates are some of the most competitive in the market and in terms of value for money, one of the best investments for marketing campaigns.

Why it's Wise to Advertise ... with LincsMag

If you have a company or business you have to advertise, but more importantly you have to give the right impression and be trusted as well as respected. Where you advertise speaks volumes about your business and its responsibilities.

Some free magazines claim to be delivered to so many thousands of homes in the Lincolnshire region and at first it looks like a good advertising route, but if you stop to think about it, that is no guarantee that the people in these homes ever read them … most people just bin them due to the fact that they are not content magazines, but blatant and very obvious advertising vehicles. People are not fools.

Also look at the environmental impact with all that wasted paper, not to mention the printing and fuel to distribute them. And at the end of the day, the reader is burdened with having to get rid of material they never requested or even wanted. So how does that look to the advertisers and their public relations? Not very good is it?

When as a company or business you realise that for roughly the same money that you pay for one month in these advert magazines, you can have a year with LincsMag and reach more people in Lincolnshire and beyond adding value to your business. Advertisers can also create more effective marketing campaigns as well as brand recognition providing a positive and lasting impression on readers.

And the best bit is, that these people have come to LincsMag, so they are an interested and willing readership. This stands advertisers in a much better light with their public relations, not to mention one of the best cost effective marketing arenas.


Plus you show your Green Credentials for sensibly advertising in a way that is environmentally responsible, limiting CO2 emissions and helping for a better future.

As an advertiser, you win, win, and win, when you advertise with LincsMag. Contact us now:

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