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Contacting LincsMag Editorial

If you have news, a story, or information that you think would interest other readers, then contact us. Remember, we’re independent and so view all correspondence and material on their merits.

To contact LincsMag Editorial, please email:

Contacting the Editor

If you would like to contact the Editor-in-Chief, Baron Halpenny, please email:

Contacting the Motoring Editor

If you would like to contact the Motoring editor, Tim Barnes-Clay, please email:

LincsMag Letters Section

LincsMag Letters Section - Lincolnshire Magazine - All emails and letters sent are read, but please remember that as with all correspondence to LincsMag you must provide your full name, geographic address and a landline telephone number. Naturally you can request that your name is not published, but we need the information to verify who you are. No Details are passed to third parties, unless instructed by law.

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