ANZIO Digital How to Keep Your Date Interested

by submit2please.
Date: 01 July 2011

How to Keep Your Date Interested - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Winning a first date is a Herculean task for many. But this day should not come and go like it was a passing shower.

The first date is just the beginning, and you should take optimum care that it leads to many more dates, and elongates your relationship to the level you want it to be.

Follow a few tricks of the trade to leave your date wanting for more...


It is a common saying that appearance is one of the key facets of attracting a person. Generally people are attracted to what is appealing to the eye. If you are a woman make sure that the attire is neat and attractive. Put on light make up and try to look natural.

While men should be neatly trimmed and clean shaven, you should also make sure that your breath smells fresh. The costumes worn by you should not make you appear too casual, even if it is just a casual date. Do not show off too much as that would give a wrong notion about yourself to your date. You might think of carrying mints or gum and use it after dinner.


You should make your date feel at home with your conversation. The conversation should be flowing and make your date believe that you have been talking to him/her for sometime now. Do not talk about only about yourself in the entire date, as that would bore the other person out.

Ask your date good questions about them and carry forward the conversation. This would also mean that you are eager to know more about your date and that she can open her heart out to you.

Abstain from showing childhood embarrassing pictures as there would be enough time to show them once you have won over the heart of your date.

No ex Talk

Do not get carried away and start talking about your ex. This is a distraction that should be avoided. In general you are out with your date with the intention of enjoying the time out, but once the ex talks come up the mood becomes serious and at times too heavy.

There are many happy and painful memories that you might have but keep them shelved for a later date. Moreover, you would definitely want your date to feel that the focus is on him/her and not on your ex.

The date might also get this wrong notion that you have still got certain feelings for your ex, when you discuss emotionally about them.

No Expectations

Everyone desires to have a second date but do not show eagerness for that. You can have more fun on your date if you display no such expectations. Tell your mind that you are going out to meet a person whom you might never see again. This also makes you less tensed. If you show such eagerness to meet up again the very next day, this make you look desperate.

Amongst all this there are two things that you should remember--it’s that do not try too hard and lose track of the person you are and secondly that you cater a fun filled day to your date that he/she will remember for sometime.

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