ANZIO Digital LincsMag Sudoku Puzzle Page

LincsMag Sudoku Puzzle Page

Sudoku Sue is an On-line version of the popular Japanese number game sudoku. This can be used to play sudoku online. Sudoku is a mind game and a puzzle that you solve with reasoning and logic. Fill in the grid with digits in such a manner that every row, every column and every 3x3 box accommodates the digits 1-9, without repeating any.



A Brief History of Sudoku

LincsMag Sudoku Puzzle Page These type of number puzzles first appeared in French newspapers around 1890, but disappeared at the time of the First World War. They did however, crop up in old boys books etc as Magic Squares or Magic Numbers, around the 1920’s, 30’s, 40’s and started to disappear around the 1950’s.

They started to surface again around 1979 in America as Number Place and the Editor-in-Chief of LincsMag is sure that he had seen them as a lad, in a Canadian magazine, though he's not sure they were called Number Palace.

The modern Sudoku that we know now has been attributed to a retired architect and freelance puzzle constructor called Howard Garns, from Indiana, and first published in 1979 by Dell Magazines as Number Place. Then they surfaced in Japan as suji and then later Sudoku. From there it was effectively reintroduced back into Europe and became what we know today.

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