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Cats are Cool Cats at Halpenny's Cat World - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Cats as Pets

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Looking After Cats - Page 10

Cats & You Away on Holiday

What should be done with the household cat when the family is going away for their summer holiday? If possible, the cat should go with the family, for although it may take him a day or two - not longer - to get used to his new home, he will not be unhappy, being with his friends.

If this plan is not possible the cat should be left in its own home, and a friend should be asked to come in twice a day to feed the cat and let "it out for exercise. It is not always an easy task to induce a cat that has been shut up in a house all day to be content with a few minutes' freedom in the evening.

The next best plan is to board the cat with a friend whom the cat knows, one who will be sure to give the cat the right food and proper attention, but the difficulty in this case is the question of exercise; if the friend lives near the cat's home he will probably find that the cat will wander back to its own home at the first opportunity.

Then there are cats' "homes," but some cats do not take kindly to them.

A cat is unlike a dog in disposition, for the average dog will soon settle down in a "home," make new friends, and be reasonably happy until the return of his master. But a cat is different; confined in a strange place, and with strangers in attendance, a cat may become so absolutely miserable that it will pine away and die.

One sometimes hears of a cat that has refused to eat when it was in a boarding house for cats, and, in the end, the owner has had to allow him to have its own way, that is to say, the cat has been moved back to its own home.

And so Remember!

A cat is a strange wonderful creature; the popular idea is that he is more fond of his home than of his owner, but this I might add is not true of all cats.

Every cat has a big, big streak of independence in its nature, but this is often combined with great affection for one person. A cat is not so obviously affectionate as a dog, but his attachment to his home and his owner is not less sincere than that of a dog.

A cat is always an interesting study ... Wouldn't you agree Garfield?

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