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Looking After Cats - Page 2

Shorthaired Cats or Longhaired Cats?

Now it is generally supposed that shorthaired cats are hardier than the longhaired ones and on the whole this is more or less true, but the exception to this rule is the Siamese cat, which although shorthaired, is inclined to be a bit delicate.

This is probably due to the climate if it does not altogether agree with some Siamese cats.

If you have a Siamese cat, it is well worthwhile to keep him in comfort for he excels in intelligence.

There is no need to pamper him and wait on him hand and foot, it was only the ancient Egyptians that worshiped the cat, though of course all cats have never forgotten this and still expect it.

The Siamese cat is by the way, also extremely good at catching mice and rats.

The Cat & Darkness

Now many people make the popular mistake about cats in thinking that a cat can see in the dark.

I make it clear now that no animal has this magical power so they can see in total darkness, and the cat is not an exception to this rule (even if he would like you to believe otherwise), but thanks to the peculiarity of his eyes, which reflect the light, a cat can see fairly well even in a bad light.

When the cat is in the dark he makes use of his wonderful whiskers for feeling his way about. The slightest touch on the whiskers is felt; they are extremely sensitive and it is an act of gross and unforgivable cruelty to cut them as some mindless and cruel people do, it’s hard to imagine but sadly it’s true and must be stopped.

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