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Looking After Cats - Page 8

Mother Cat and Kittens

If your cat is going to have kittens, prepare a roomy bed for her in the quietest place in the house and let her get accustomed to it before the arrival of the family. It is not fair to compel a cat that has always lived in the house to have her kittens in a cold shed in the garden, merely because-as some people say-" kittens are a nuisance in the house." Such people should not keep a cat.

A cat that is about to become a mother should be watched carefully, or she may choose some most undesirable place for a bed. An open drawer, with clothes in it, is an irresistible attraction to a cat at any time, and especially at such a time.

The mother cat should not be disturbed by strangers. She requires quietude and warmth, and plenty of good, suitable food - four or five meals a day for a time. For the first two days bread-and-milk can be given, afterwards a little boiled fish will be appreciated, and she can be brought back gradually to her regular diet.

If the kittens are not required, they should be taken away (when the mother cat is not "at home") sold, given away or see a cats home, but one kitten should always be left with the mother for a time. On no account should the kittens be drowned. Drowning is by no means a painless death to an animal that is said to have nine lives.

If some of the kittens are required as presents for friends it should be under-stood that anyone taking a kitten must look after it properly during kittenhood and when it grows up. In every large town there is an army of unwanted cats, homeless and half-starved, many of which have undoubtedly been "lost" by their owners. In any case the cat's family should be restricted to four or five, and a cat should not have more than two litters in a year.

Our advice however, as always, is to always consult a qualified Vet!

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