Beaten The Octopus

Beaten The Octopus - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Over one year on, Glenda has beaten the octopus ...
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Skydive For Urology Department

Skydive For Urology Department - Lincolnshire Magazine -

District Council Chairman takes to the sky in aid of hospital Urology Department which saved his life...
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Chemo, Thoughts and Pumpkin

Chemo, Thoughts and Pumpkin - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Glenda continues her story of Breast Cancer, the journey so far, the amazing people and her dear cat Pumpkin ...
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Fighting Breast Cancer, Wigs & All

Fighting Breast Cancer, Wigs & All - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Glenda continues her story of Breast Cancer, her wigs and the winning battle she is waging against it...
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Health and Wellbeing Wake-Up Call

Occupational Health and Wellbeing Wake-Up Call - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Health and safety body is currently urging politicians to put greater emphasis on good occupational health and wellbeing...
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Fighting Breast Cancer – A True Story

Fighting Breast Cancer – A True First Hand Story - Lincolnshire Magazine -

The wonderful Glenda courageously tells her story of Breast Cancer, her feelings and the battle she is waging against it...
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Flame of Knowledge

Flame of Knowledge - Lincolnshire Magazine -

A course that can help to not just save a business from going up in smoke but also and more importantly save peoples lives...
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Food For Thought

Food For Thought - Lincolnshire Magazine -

If you’re handling food that's for the public, then it's sensible to do at least a Basic Food Hygiene course...
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Weight For It!

Weight For It! - Lincolnshire Magazine -

You would think that it would be common sense, but it’s amazing how many people fail to lift things correctly...
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First Aid Matters

First Aid Matters - Lincolnshire Magazine -

It really cannot be stressed enough how important First Aid knowledge is. Quite simply it can save a life...
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Whooping Cough Outbreak

Whooping Cough Outbreak - Lincolnshire Magazine -

The East Midlands has the third highest cases closely followed by Yorkshire & humber...
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Salmonella Found In Liquid Egg Product

Salmonella Found In Liquid Egg Product - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Seven cases of Salmonella following consumption of a pasteurised liquid egg product...
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People With Colds Expect Antibiotics

People With Colds Expect Antibiotics - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Over half of all people who visit their doctor with coughs and colds still expect antibiotics...
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Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes Service - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Lincolnshire Emergency Blood Bikes Service (LEBBS) is a newly formed Charitable and voluntary organisation...
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Plenty More Fish Oils In The Sea

Plenty More Fish Oils In The Sea - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Alternative fish oil supplements provide even greater health benefits than cod liver oil...
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Weight Loss Motivation

Weight Loss Motivation - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Hayley has put together some tips on motivation, how to get it, and how to keep it going...
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Exercise Myth Buster

Exercise Myth Buster - Lincolnshire Magazine -

The sooner you learn the truth about exercise, the nearer you’ll be to achieving the results you’re after...
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Washing Reminder For Farm Season

Hand Washing Reminder For Petting Farm Season - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Enjoy your farm visits safely by ensuring good hand hygiene after touching farm animals or their surroundings...
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Understanding Fat

Understanding Fat - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Fat is the most condensed form of energy and a vital source of energy, yet people still have a fear of it...
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Killing Time To Save A Life

Killing Time To Save A Life - Lincolnshire Magazine -

How does the idea of learning a new set of life saving skills and the opportunity to serve your local community sound?
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Start Losing Weight Today

Start Losing Weight Today - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Before you begin your weight loss journey, you will need to determine whether or not you are overweight...
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Weight Before You Start That Diet

Weight Before You Start That Diet - Lincolnshire Magazine -

If you really want to lose weight and keep it off for the long run, then you need to make a lifestyle change...
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Embarrassing Toilet Trips?

Embarrassing Toilet Trips – An Age Old Problem? - Lincolnshire Magazine -

For many, getting a little older can mean more frequent trips to the loo, but in reality this shouldn’t be the case...
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Reducing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Reducing The Risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Over Winter - Lincolnshire Magazine -

People are being advised to have their boilers, cookers etc checked by a registered engineer before the winter sets in...
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Wild Mushroom Caution

Wild Mushroom Caution - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Wild food enthusiasts are being urged to take extra care when picking mushrooms, by the HPA's poisons experts...
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Avoid Spreading Winter Vomiting Bug

Avoid Spreading The Winter Vomiting Bug - Lincolnshire Magazine -

Advice on how to avoid the winter vomiting bug, norovirus, and prevent the infection spreading to other people...
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A Burning Desire For The Sun

A Burning Desire For The Sun - Lincolnshire Magazine -

As the holiday season gets underway, radiation experts are urging caution in the summer sun...
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txtin emergncy

txtin emergncy - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag

A voluntary trial enabling people to text the emergency services should be made mandatory, Ofcom has proposed...
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A Design On A and E departments

A Design On A and E departments - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag

Designers rethink the design of hospital A and E departments to reduce violence and aggression towards staff...
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Patients Can Rate Dental Practices

Patients Can Now Rate NHS Dental Practices - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag

The Government has launched a new service that will make it easier to find key information about dentists in one place...
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Online Female Sexual Health Checker

NHS DIRECT’S Online Female Sexual Health Checker - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag

NHS Direct has launched a health and symptom checker for women looking for confidential sexual health advice online...
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How to Obtain Optimal Health

How to Obtain Optimal Health - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag

Monique Hawkins puts forward, that you need to learn all you can about the importance of optimal nutrition...
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One's Own Health and Fitness

Taking Responsibility For One's Own Health and Fitness - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag

Exercise has long been linked to not just for our physical health, but also for our mental well being...
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Taking a Chance on Healthy Living!

Taking a Chance on Healthy Living! - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag

Understanding "risk", which is knowing how to understand and analyse situations in life that affect your health...
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Body Mass Index (BMI) - Lincolnshire Magazine - LincsMag

Body Mass Index (BMI)

calculate your BMI by selecting your correct weight and height and let the LincsMag BMI calculator do the rest.

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